Our Symposium
The Manitoba Undergraduate Healthcare Symposium, hosted by the University of Manitoba Undergraduate Leaders in Healthcare, is a two-day conference that consists of a variety of keynotes, seminars, case studies, and hands-on workshops, on issues pertaining to the Canadian healthcare system. This year’s event will feature a banquet to celebrate 10 years of MUHS!
Keynote speakers are at the forefront of the art and science of healthcare: they put forward big ideas, talk about their own experiences and offer advice on how students can make a mark on Canadian healthcare.
Workshops will allow delegates to get hands-on experience with various medical skills. These workshops are led by various students from different areas of healthcare.
Delegates will be given a prompt to direct their research. In the allotted time, teams of 3 will work together to conduct research that aligns with the given theme and prepare a research pitch. The teams will then pitch their idea to judges and an audience; the winning team will be awarded 1 of 4 monetary prizes.
case studies
Teams of delegates are presented with a case challenge where they tackle a current healthcare problem and present feasible solutions. Collaboration between students in different disciplines of study are highly encouraged and supported.