"Moneyball for medicine: a meditation for manufacturing great teams"
Presented by Dr. David Szwajcer and Tracy Robinson from CancerCare Manitoba, this seminar will focus on understanding the nature of team dynamics optimization and the role of sense making in driving excellence in care delivery.
"Canada's New legislation on medical assistance on dying: complexities and confusions"
Presented by Professor Dr. Arthur Schafer, this seminar will analyze the complexities and confusions surrounding Canada's new legislation on medical assistance in dying and the possible ethical issues that it may raise.
Professor Schafer is Director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, at the University of Manitoba. He is also a Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy and an Ethics Consultant for the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg. For ten years he was Head of the Section of Bio-Medical Ethics in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Manitoba. He has also served as Visiting Scholar Green College, Oxford.
Professor Schafer has received a number of awards and honours. He is a Canadian Commonwealth Scholar, Honorary Woodrow Wilson Scholar, a Canada Council Fellow. At the University of Manitoba he has received the Stanton Teaching Excellence Award, the Campbell Award for University Outreach, and the University Teaching Service Award for Teaching Excellence.
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Dr. Ayush Kumar will lead an exciting seminar session on a current issue related to the field of Microbiology. More information will be released shortly.
Kumar’s laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms of multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacterial pathogens, Acinitobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediated by multidrug resistance pumps belonging to the Resistance-Nodulation-Division family. Efforts in his laboratory are focused towards understanding the mechanisms of function and regulatory pathways of these pumps in order to aid in designing effective drug therapy.
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Dr. Rousseau and members of the Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) team will deliver an interesting session on the role of Winnipeg's Mental Health Court with mentally ill criminals.
The Winnipeg Mental Health Court (MHC) is a weekly sitting of the Provincial Court of Manitoba, available only in Winnipeg at the present time. The MHC offers pre-sentence intensive services and supports to persons whose criminal involvement is a direct result of their mental illness. Services are provided by a Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) team which has been established within the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s (WRHA’s) Community Mental Health Program to work with MHC participants.
Persons who have been diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar mood disorder, and committed certain criminal offences may be eligible for MHC. The MHC Crown Attorneys will review cases referred to them to determine if applicants meet the MHC criteria. Once accepted to Winnipeg MHC, the applicants must also fill out waiver forms so the FACT team can access their criminal and medical records to develop a responsive recovery plan.
The FACT team consists of a psychiatrist, a team leader, a multidisciplinary team of four service coordinators, and an administrative assistant. In addition to providing intensive support to MHC participants, the team members will report to the MHC Judge on a weekly basis. The MHC Crown(s) and Legal Aid and private bar counsel will also participate in case discussions as required.
The MHC process is expected to take between 18 and 24 months for each participant to complete. During that time, as participants’ mental health improves, case management will become less intensive and court appearances will be required less often.
Upon completion of the FACT recovery plan, either the Crowns will stay the charges or a community-based sentence will be ordered. Custodial sentences will not be made in the Mental Health Court.